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William H. Bennett Food Pantry

George Cooper, (Board of Directors Vice-Chair), Senator Anthony Brown, and Dr. Lloyd T. McGriff (GCDC Board Chair).

William H. Bennett Food Pantry

Phone: (240) 312-2850

Fax: (301) 422-1893

The William H. Bennett Food Pantry's purpose is to acquire, store and distribute food to needy families.  Food is distributed at the Shadyside location on Tuesday and Thursday between the hours of 12 noon and 2:30 pm.  Emergency distributions are made as needed.


Populations served include; youth, seniors, ex-offenders, the sick and shut-in, Suitland Community, referrals from Social Services and other agencies, needy families in Metropolitan area and self-referrals from Internet searches.


The William H. Bennett Food Pantry provided food to 13,718 unduplicated individuals during 2015. Further breakdown reflects 3,619 families were serviced. The pantry logged 35 volunteers with a total of 4,411 volunteer hours of service assistant time. Our service area is designated as a "food desert" in Prince George's County and our service numbers continue to climb.  In 2019, we provided food for 5, 800 families (20,434 individuals).


The COVID-19 Pandemic has bought many to our doors. As of the end of September, we had distributed food to 5,014 families (16,791 individuals). 


For more information call or click here to view the William H. Bennett Food Pantry Brochure.

Food Pantry staff make work fun!

Thanksgiving Basket Projects
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